… I like the book because of its clarity and compactness. … Readers will be immediately impressed by the quality and number of figures (372 in all) used to tell the story. "Surface Science: An Introduction is an excellent book that reviews many of the centrally important features of this interdisciplinary field. Numerous examples, references, practice exercises, and problems complement this remarkably complete treatment, which will also serve as an excellent reference for researchers and practitioners." (Aluminium, Vol. At the same time, the coverage is comprehensive and at a high technical level, with emphasis on the fundamental physical principles. … All topics are presented in a concise and clear form accessible to a beginner. "The book is designed as textbook for students in engineering and physical sciences.

… Surface Science is a good resource for the student who is introduced to the field for the first time." Each chapter presents a few exercises that will serve well in the classroom. The final four chapters discuss surfaces containing adsorbed atoms or molecules topics include adsorption, desorption, surface diffusion, thin film behavior, and nanostructures on surfaces. The book proceeds to atomic and electronic structure of surfaces. After the introduction, the book presents an excellent chapter on two-dimensional crystallography a chapter on experimental background follows, and the book then progresses through four chapters on surface analysis-from diffraction to electron spectroscopy, ion probes, and microscopy. Surface Science also describes numerous experimental methods, but its main focus is on the concepts central to the field. Many earlier surface-science textbooks have concentrated on the experimental techniques used for measurements in the field. It also serves as an introduction for researchers entering the field. Surface Science is designed for advanced undergraduate or graduate students in the engineering and physical sciences. Readers will be immediately impressed by the quality and number of figures (372 in all) used to tell the story. … The text is smoothly written and interesting. " Surface Science: An Introduction is an excellent book that reviews many of the centrally important features of this interdisciplinary field.