The objective of the study was to attain uniformly appropriate conditions for a wide range of analytes independently of the aglycone, the attached sugar part and the type of bond between the aglycone and the glycan moieties (O‐ or C‐glycosides). Systematic experiments were performed to search for optimal conditions for in‐source fragmentation in both positive and negative ion modes. In‐source collision‐induced dissociation (CID) fragmentation features of multiclass flavonoid glycoconjugates were examined using liquid chromatography electrospray time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry. In‐source fragmentation and accurate mass analysis of multiclass flavonoid conjugates by electrospray ionization time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry In‐source fragmentation and accurate mass analysis of multiclass flavonoid conjugates by.Ībrankó, László García‐Reyes, Juan F.